I have finally begun sewing my scrap blocks together that I have been talking about. After going through every piece of material in my scrap bin and choosing which ones I wanted to use and cutting numerous blocks, I can't tell I even pulled one piece out of that bin! How does one manage their scrap pile if making a whole quilt from it doesn't even touch it?! Sigh.

This quilt will be made entirely from disappearing nine-patch blocks. This is where the magic comes in. Now you see it:

Now you don't:

Neat, huh? You can find a tutorial for making this block
here. She just says to cut in the middle and for your reference, the middle of the block would be at the 7" mark. It took my terrible math mind a few minutes to figure that out. Check out her other tutorials, though, if you haven't before. She has some real cute things.

I was able to finish six blocks today. I love them all! I love seeing how each one turns out as I make it. It is an excellent pattern for using up scraps.
I'm not a real planner when it comes to quilting so I'm not sure how many finished blocks I will make. It all depends on how many squares I have cut (No, I didn't count those either). I anticipate this quilt being a lap size. I'll probably use a vintage sheet to back it and quilt it in a free motion style. I'd like to have it completed by next week. We shall see if that happens!
I love the disappearing 9 block pattern. I have never tried it though. I love your blocks. So many colors. It will be a nice quilt when you get it done.