I finished the Christmas tree skirt I told you about that I didn't know how it would quilt right because of the ripples and it not laying flat. Well, after I made the quilt sandwich and pinned it I was feeling a bit more confident about it. Here it is all pinned:

You can see how it laid a bit more flat for me after I pinned a lot. I quilted it in large meandering waves so I wouldn't get any puckers on the top from the slight ripples. It worked! I didn't have any major quilting issues! (Unless you count when I sewed over a safety pin and broke my needle. I have got to stop doing that!)

I bound it with a cute red stripe that looks like a candy cane! I think it really set the skirt off.

P.S. I had to make a short trip to my favorite sewing store because they were having another great sale. I got three rolls of 80/20 batting; two crib size and one twin. I got got one yard each of some batiks they had on clearance. I have some beginning visions of a beautiful batik quilt. I also had to grab some machine needles since I keep breaking them!
I can't wait to use this under the white Christmas tree!

that looks great......do you do your own quilting? Just free motion or what?